MIMPA President Dr Muhamad Hazizi Muhamad Hasani examining an elderly patient.
On the 24th of February 2018, MIMPA with collaboration of Sahabat Belia Melaka organised an outreach program that targeted the homeless & urban poor in the city centre of Malacca, mainly Kampung Jawa, Kampung Ulu and along the Melaka River. MIMPA was represented by the president, Dr Muhamad Hazizi Bin Muhamad Hasani, Miss Hani Suhaila, and Dr Muhammad Su’aidi Bin Abd Ghaffar. They were also joined by 40 students from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Homeless persons and people living in a poor housing area were approached and basic medical support were given. The program ended at around 2am.

Student volunteers

MIMPA’s Miss Hani Suhaila encouraging the team

Group photo of the participants