We are lucky in Malaysia we get to experience various festive celebrations. Not long ago we were wishing each other Selamat Hari Raya, exchanging Christmas gifts and now, the multicultural Malaysians will welcome the Year of the Goat for the…
Artikel ini bukanlah ingin membincangkan ‘budaya kuning’ yang menular sejak bayi dalam kandungan lagi. Walaupun tidak dinafikan, banyak budaya yang merisaukan kian menapak dalam masyarakat kita. Pernahkah anda dengar tentang neonatal jaundice atau bayi baru lahir yang kelihatan kuning? Pada…
The year 2014 was arguably the annus horribilis of civil aviation, at least for South East Asia. We had the twin tragedies affecting our national carrier, followed by the shocking accident of another aircraft belonging to a regional one, all…
Oh boy. That was what came out of my mouth when a friend brought this issue to my attention. “What do you think of this?” he said. Attached in the text was a screen capture of an Instagram account selling…
Pernahkah anda rasa jantung anda berdegup terlalu laju sehingga anda sesak nafas? Pernahkah anda rasa pening sampai hendak pitam? Jika pernah – anda memerlukan pemeriksaan doktor kerana anda mungkin mengalami keadaan yang dinamakan aritmia jantung. Apa sebenarnya aritmia jantung? Aritmia…
Waking up from a warm bed, a cool room, taking a shower, getting dressed, having a fulfilling breakfast, going to school, work or wherever we are supposed to. Then, coming back to a comfortable and conducive home, having dinner and…
An Introduction – What Is A Coronary Angiography? Easy terms should be used when discussing any form of procedure with the patient, in particular when one is dealing with an invasive procedure. A coronary angiography is essentially a procedure which…
Everyone wants to be normal and healthy during pregnancy and have an uneventful delivery. Women with pre-existing heart disease prior to getting married are often pressured by relatives and families to bear children, which can be stressful to this group…
We are all familiar with the description of a heart attack. We have all heard about it, mostly from family and friends. We have all read about it, no doubt from various materials like the newspapers, health magazines and even…
Makanan seperti ayam goreng, pisang goreng dan keropok lekor memang enak dimakan. Apatah lagi teksturnya yang rangup dan dimakan pula ketika masih panas. Namun begitu, masyarakat kita cenderung untuk menggunakan minyak masak yang sama berulang kali ketika menggoreng untuk menjimatkan…