What is the difference between these 2 terms? Plenty of times patients will asked me this, “Doctor, do I have sinus?”. Any medical practitioner will be tempted to say “Yes”, to any living person- whether healthy or not. I will…
Satu ketika dahulu, saya sedang duduk dalam sebuah restoran bersama seorang kawan. Ketika itu, saya meminum jus lobak dan kawan saya pula me’langgah’ bir sambil berkata, “Aku perlu minum bir. Minum bir boleh memberikan aku perut yang besar. Perut yang…
Studying is a long term process. As doctors, we are required to constantly study and revise our knowledge as the field that we embark in is a matter of life and death, literally. Studying has to be effective and efficient…
Memandangkan orang yang paling banyak meluangkan masa bersama kanak-kanak ialah anda, para ibu bapa dan penjaga, anda sebenarnya memainakan peranan yang penting untuk memastikan kesihatan dan pertumbuhan kanak-kanak dalam keadaan yang terbaik. Peranan anda lebih besar daripada warga kesihatan yang…
In keeping with the Guiding Principles of Human Cell, Tissue and Organ Transplantation; World Health Organization, the Ministry of Health does not condone any unethical practices of human organ trading and exploitation of the underprivileged groups like the poor and…
Have you ever felt like your heart is beating so fast that you cannot breathe? Have you ever felt so giddy that you feel like fainting? If yes – you should have it checked out. You could be having a…
Kita semua gerun apabila mendengar ungkapan “kecederaan kepala” kerana kita yakin dan percaya bahawa kecederaan kepala ialah suatu keadaan yang membawa maut. Berapa ramai antara kita yang sebenarnya tahu bagaimana mengenal pasti keadaan ini seawalnya untuk mengelakkan bahana maut itu?…
The beauty of living in a multicultural country does not stop only at the variety of food we have, we also have a beautiful mixture of culture and languages. Yet, not many of us feel the need to learn other…
Anda mungkin pernah menonton cerita Pendekar Badul di mana Allahyarham Ibrahim Pendek dan Param berjalan seperti kongkang dalam salah satu adegan filem tersebut. Memang menggelikan hati, kan? Atau mungkin anda pernah terserempak dengan kanak-kanak yang berjalan dengan kaki yang mengangkang?…
The Dengue 1 Stop Centre, which functions as an operation center for the ‘War On Dengue’ operation, was officially launched on the 8th November 2014 by the Deputy Director General of Health, Datuk Dr Lokman Hakim Sulaiman at the Taman…