Source: http://goldcoastchiropractor.com
There is a Malay saying, which states that “Today’s young generation are the leaders of the future”. We should see this matter in a larger context and not narrow down the meaning of leader to only national or country leader. We are all leaders of the future. It is how you plan and work for it. Do you want it bright or do you want it dark? It is your own choice.
In the world of medical practice, who are the leaders of the future? Yes, you got the answer right. It is the future doctors in the making now. Medical students? Yes it is you, you and you. Wherever you are, whoever you are and whichever college you are in now, do not forget that you are the future of the world of medical practice and future of healthcare of the community. You are not there for no reason and for no expected outcomes.
As medical students, many questions often come to mind, such as : “Will I be competent enough when I graduate?”, “Is my medical school where I am studying now at the same level as other medical schools?” , “There are lots of complaints made about the graduates of my medical school and what should I do now?”, “DO I REALLY DESERVE TO BE A DOCTOR?”. These are just some of the questions and dilemmas in the hearts and minds of medical students. Gone are the days when you were elated to receive the offer letter from your medical school. When you were at least proud of yourself for a moment, thinking that you were the crème de la crème for being accepted into a medical school.
Special? Yes you are special to be in the medical school but do not forget those in the other faculties deserve just as much respect. Stepping your foot in the faculty does not guarantee you sans effort. People do fail exams, people do drop out from courses and people do get extended for a year or more in the faculty. To be fair, in all faculties. The biggest mistake done is to consider yourself above the others.
Your medical school is different from (or better than) other medical schools? It is an undeniable fact that nowadays people tend to label graduates according to medical school. Some are labeled as “now everybody can fly (pass)”, “useless graduate from ………..”, “they let you pass the exam because you are the source of income of their school” and so on. It is especially heartbreaking to hear such statements from those already practicing medicine. Do not worry too much, where there is a will, there is always a way. If you think you are lacking in certain areas, make an effort to improve.
Remember, nothing is perfect in this world. There are always pros and cons in everything. Some may look down on you because of you lack adequate clinical exposure. They may not realize that your pre-clinical years were tough. Learning every basic sciences subject in and out, almost at post-graduate level. Learning the tiniest muscles, vessels and nerves that may seem unimportant. Still remember asking yourself why should you learn some theoretical part which seemed to have no role clinically? Sooner or later you will find that it will help you to understand things better and not to simply memorize the clinical aspect of it. Some of us are really keen in knowing the clinical aspect but do not know the basics, the reasons behind each and every thing. I can still recall, some time ago, my professor insisted I present a case, which I had just clerked a few minutes prior without looking at what I had written down in the case notes. Some medical schools think that it is unsystematic to do so without piles of documentation. However on the bright side, due to lack of documentation, the doctors, including the medical students are trained to know everything about the patients, not one but twenty or more by heart ? So they know their patients personally rather than just as medical cases. There is always a bright side of everything. It depends on how you face it.
Your future is in your hand. It is your choice to let it be gloomy or bright. A professor once told me that, treating a patient is not like answering a short question in an exam, you are treating the greatest creation of God. Now it is up to you dear comrades, learning is not only in the classroom or during the obligatory ward rounds. Medical Science, which studies the greatest creation of God, is too broad and limitless. Step out of the box, gain more experiences during medical school. It is never wrong to know more. Bright or Dark? It is your choice.
“Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves”
Al-Quran 13:11
Wan Sherhan is a 6th year medical student at Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.