Question 1: I am trying to go into serious dieting. How can I do it ? After 2 weeks of detox, you can start practising strict but healthy diet control. In the process of losing weight, you have to strictly…
Apakah sendi rahang mulut? Kita mempunyai sepasang sendi rahang yang berhubung terus dengan tengkorak pada bahagian skuamus tulang pelipis (temporal bone). Dengan adanya sendi rahang, kita boleh membuka dan menutup mulut dengan sempurna. Terdapat satu lapisan memisahkan sendi rahang dengan…
“RM xxx for a complete health screening! Includes blood tests, X-rays and ultrasound scans” We’ve heard advertisements like this before on newspapers, magazines and on the radio. Are they necessary? And are they worth your money? First, let’s see what…
Kebanyakan di antara kita ada rasa pelik di dalam telinga sewaktu menaiki kapal terbang. Ada yang kurang pendengaran, ada yang merasa telinga berbunyi ‘pop’ dan malangnya ada yang merasai kesakitan yang amat perit. Saya sendiri pernah mengalami keadaan ini. Saya…
Creative innovation and thinking out of the box is required. Re-engineering of the work processes coupled with increase efficiency of the service delivery is ongoing to make space to decongest the public hospitals. We need additional human capital development and…
Prevention of Dengue Fever It is all about behaviour. In this world, there are mainly 2 types of behaviour, the good and the bad one. The spreading, persistent cycle, and recurrent infection of dengue fever endemic fall into human bad…
Berak berdarah adalah buasir? Masyarakat adakala malu atau segan untuk membincangkan topik yang berkaitan dengan najis. Bagi sesetengah golongan isu ini adalah rahsia dan tidak patut dikongsikan bersama. Malah ada yang menyimpan ‘rahsia’ kejanggalan najis mereka sehingga ianya mendatangkan kesan…
10 friendly tips in consulting your GP In most developed countries like Australia, General Practitioner (GP) is the first contact for every individual facing with health problems. In Malaysia however, a person can choose to see a medical officer in…
Pengenalan Demam denggi merupakan penyakit berjangkit yang terus menghantui kehidupan rakyat Malaysia. Tahun demi tahun, kes demam denggi semakin meningkat walaupun terdapat pelbagai kempen kesedaran dijalankan di seluruh tanah air. Malaysia kini antara negara yang berada di tangga teratas dalam…
A recent tweet to Dr. Husna (our dental columnist) highlighted one of the dangers of smoking which is often forgotten, namely oral health and its effects due to tobacco smoking. The tweet went, “Does smoking affect the gums?”, and the…