Prevention of Dengue Fever It is all about behaviour. In this world, there are mainly 2 types of behaviour, the good and the bad one. The spreading, persistent cycle, and recurrent infection of dengue fever endemic fall into human bad…
Berak berdarah adalah buasir? Masyarakat adakala malu atau segan untuk membincangkan topik yang berkaitan dengan najis. Bagi sesetengah golongan isu ini adalah rahsia dan tidak patut dikongsikan bersama. Malah ada yang menyimpan ‘rahsia’ kejanggalan najis mereka sehingga ianya mendatangkan kesan…
10 friendly tips in consulting your GP In most developed countries like Australia, General Practitioner (GP) is the first contact for every individual facing with health problems. In Malaysia however, a person can choose to see a medical officer in…
Pengenalan Demam denggi merupakan penyakit berjangkit yang terus menghantui kehidupan rakyat Malaysia. Tahun demi tahun, kes demam denggi semakin meningkat walaupun terdapat pelbagai kempen kesedaran dijalankan di seluruh tanah air. Malaysia kini antara negara yang berada di tangga teratas dalam…
A recent tweet to Dr. Husna (our dental columnist) highlighted one of the dangers of smoking which is often forgotten, namely oral health and its effects due to tobacco smoking. The tweet went, “Does smoking affect the gums?”, and the…
Many times when a health personnel tries to counsel patients on oral contraceptive pills (OCP), they face many excuses in refusing that method but particularly, patients are afraid of weight gain. In fact, this fear comes from those who are…
Pernahkah anda bangun pagi dan mendapati kedua-dua lutut anda keras dan kaku, terutamanya apabila cuaca sejuk? Pernah mendengar bunyi klik (juga dikenali sebagai krepitus) atau merasa seperti sendi lutut anda bergesel setiap kali anda menggerakkannya? Kemungkinan besar anda mengalami sejenis…
Demam denggi adalah satu penyakit merbahaya yang disebabkan oleh virus yang boleh berjangkit apabila seseorang pesakit itu digigit oleh nyamuk Aedes dan membawanya kepada bakal pesakit yang baru. Penyakit ini mula dilaporkan di Malaysia pada tahun 1902, tetapi demam denggi…
There is an alarming rise in the number of Dengue cases and deaths in the country which mandates each and everyone of us as responsible citizens join the fight against Dengue. There is yet to be an effective vaccine against…
When I said in my part 1 article that we should be eating and living healthy the way our ancestors did it, I really meant it. This week, we will discuss on detox process and foods that we should avoid…