This article aims to encourage smokers who have not considered quitting to start a quit attempt. For those who have tried and failed, to try again; and for those who have succeeded, to remain abstinent. The longer you are abstinent,…
Vaccination has always been a road filled with contention. Supporters and those against it alike can debate the topic till the cows come home, cows WITH cowpox and mad cow disease included. With the barrage of information on the web,…
Vaccination is a method used to induce immunity or resistance to infections which are commonly found within a community. These infections when they occur can result in significant complications and even deaths. The process of vaccination, contrary to common belief,…
Apakah beza di antara dua istilah ini? Kerapkali pesakit akan bertanya soalan in kepada saya “Doktor, adakah saya menghidapi ‘sinus’?”. Ada pengamal perubatan yang ingin menjawab “Ya” kepada sesiapa sahaja, sama ada mereka sihat atau tidak. Saya akan mejelaskan sebentar…
Home birth is not an unusual occurrence for certain areas in our country. It has been practiced by traditional midwives and untrained birth attendants for many decades, since before the existence of modern medical facilities and hospitals. However by improving our…
Seringkali kita terbaca di ruangan akhbar atau luahan hati masyarakat tentang rasa tidak puas hati setelah berjumpa dengan doktor mereka. Pada masa yang sama ada juga komen-komen yang positif yang memuji staf-staf kesihatan yang memahami masalah mereka. Tentu ada faktor-faktor…
We all have heard the news: Malaysia is the fattest nation in the whole South East Asia. And this is not exactly a flattering achievement. Obviously, we need a fix for it. But in order to fix it, we must…
I was in a restaurant many years ago drinking my carrot juice while a young friend of mine happily bottoming up his beers made a striking remark, ‘I have to do this, so that I will have a big tummy…
Laughter is the best medicine but not when you have ‘leaky pipes’. Imagine this: You gather with a group of friends to reminisce about the good old times. You howl in laughter over some funny story your friend just shared…
Apabila bercakap tentang gigi haus, ia adalah satu keadaan yang menggambarkan bahawa gigi telah kehilangan strukturnya bukan disebabkan karies atau lubang pada gigi atau perkembangan abnormal gigi. Ia adalah proses fisiologi yang normal berkaitan dengan peningkatan usia. Satu kajian telah…