Heels, the epitome of elegance in the world of women’s fashion. Its three to four inches of height enhancement which is created by resting the heels on a thin “stiletto” combined with intricate designs have provided women with vertical confidence.…
Major Depression and You Of late, we have been confronted with news in the local media regarding a number of untimely deaths or suicides. These news snippets, which are often distressing, leave the readers thinking, “What drove such a person…
Jawapan bagi persoalan ini adalah YA. Namun, sekiranya anda hidup setengah juta tahun dahulu, jawapannya adalah TIDAK. Beri saya peluang untuk memberi penjelasan. Vitamin dan zat galian sangat penting dalam mengekalkan fungsi asas pelbagai tindakbalas biologi badan. Fungsi badan ini…
Amir (not his real name) is a 2 year old active, healthy, and cheerful boy. However, his parents are worried as he seems unable to hear very well. Intially, his parents were not suspicious as he was able to turn…
Penyakit lemah jantung (congestive heart failure) bukan penyakit yang spesifik. Ia lebih merupakan kesan atau akibat dari beberapa faktor atau apa-apa penyakit lain yang boleh menyebabkan jantung anda menjadi lemah. Dianggarkan terdapat seramai 3 hingga 20 pesakit lemah jantung bagi…
Can you imagine your finger on the trigger of a gun? Well, that’s the position of the finger when my patient complained that he couldn’t straighten his finger when he wanted to unclench his fist. Have you ever experienced this?…
In Malaysia, it is compulsory for food handlers to get vaccinated and attend a food handler’s course. The aim is simply to reduce food contamination and avoid us, the consumers from getting sick. However, many of us are food handlers…
It’s that time of the month, and…. oh wait, ‘that’ time of the month is still ongoing. Sheesh. So picture this. You meticulously planned for a trip to the beach. Paid in advance the fees for activities you anticipate on…
Jika ditanya kepada mana-mana ibu bapa, pasti mereka akan bersetuju bahawa anak kecil yang mengalami batuk dan selesema adalah antara perkara yang paling sukar untuk ditangani. Seorang kanak-kanak pasti tidak dapat bernafas dan tidur dengan selesa sekiranya hidung mereka tersumbat.…
Anda mungkin terlihat ibu jari kaki seseorang membengkok ke arah jari kelingking hingga kadang-kala bersilang dengan jari kaki yang di sebelahnya. Keadaan ini dikenali sebagai Hallux valgus. Ia disebabkan oleh ketidakseimbangan pada otot dan urat tendon pada kaki tersebut. Pada…