This is the conclusion to a three part series: Part 1 | Part 2 I guess this section is not usually described in text books, as this part will be based more on my personal experience dealing with this illness. I’m sure more…
Ask any parent and they will tell you that there’s not much worse than a small child having the flu. A blocked nose invariably makes the child irritable as it affects their sleep and their ability to breathe with ease.…
Absence from work is one of the main challenging issues in the workplace involving both the management and doctors in the occupational health service. On one hand, the management looks at absenteeism in all its forms as being a drain…
“Itulah doktor, hari-hari bawa beg berat pergi sekolah. Sekarang tulang belakang pun dah jadi bengkok”. Seorang ibu mengadu kepada saya bahawa tulang belakang anak beliau yang berusia 13 tahun kelihatan senget menyebabkan cara berjalan beliau kelihatan agak aneh. Skoliosis ditakrifkan…
You have a sore throat and your nose is running like a KL marathon. You drag yourself to your nearby GP and after seeing the doctor, you open the white plastic bag to find that the friendly doctor that attended…
Tinnitus adalah satu keadaan di mana seseorang itu merasai telinga mereka berdesing. Jenis bunyi desingan berbeza bagi setiap individu. Biasanya desingan tersebut bagaikan bunyi loceng atau lebah yang sedang terbang. Tetapi ada yang menyatakan bahawa desingan yang mereka alami menyerupai…
Pernahkah anda terbangun malam atau awal pagi sekitar jam 2 atau 3 pagi akibat rasa tidak selesa atau kebas pada bahagian tangan? Anda akan mengoyang-goyangkan tangan sehingga rasa kebas ini berkurangan? Atau anda merasa kebas di bahagian tangan iaitu pada…
A lot of Malaysians have misconceptions about epilepsy, and do not know what to do when they see a fitting person. Myth 1 – You need to put a spoon or cloth to stop a fitting person from biting his/her…
Kebanyakan ibu mengandung di Malaysia pernah melalui proses imbasan ultrabunyi. Terutama sekali ibu-ibu yang kali pertama hamil; mereka akan sangat teruja melihat zuriat mereka, terapung di dalam rahim kandungan mereka. Perasaan haru yang tak tergambarkan melihat skrin hitam putih kelabu…
Various cultures and beliefs all over the world associate sex with sickness and a short life span. However, studies on health and longevity do not support this commonly held belief. The most famous study (as well as controversial) about sex…