A recent tweet to Dr. Husna (our dental columnist) highlighted one of the dangers of smoking which is often forgotten, namely oral health and its effects due to tobacco smoking. The tweet went, “Does smoking affect the gums?”, and the…
It was drizzling outside. A heavily pregnant lady walked with difficulty into a dental clinic, pausing after a few steps to catch her breath. She was clutching the left side of her face. After being registered, she was ushered into…
Ramai di kalangan masyarakat sangat suka kepada warna gigi yang putih. Namun begitu di atas sebab pengaruh usia, penyakit genetik (Amelogenesis/dentinogenesis imperfecta), permukaan dentin terdedah akibat gigi haus, merokok dan pemakanan, maka gigi akan berubah warna. Gigi akan berwarna kekuningan…
I’ve been frequently asked, “What type of filling is the best?” If I had to be honest, I have to admit that I do not know how to answer this question! There is no right or wrong answer as no…
Apabila bercakap tentang gigi haus, ia adalah satu keadaan yang menggambarkan bahawa gigi telah kehilangan strukturnya bukan disebabkan karies atau lubang pada gigi atau perkembangan abnormal gigi. Ia adalah proses fisiologi yang normal berkaitan dengan peningkatan usia. Satu kajian telah…
What is a frenum and how can it obstruct normal oral functions? A mother of a teenage boy aged 14 recently brought her son for a dental check up, complaining that her son has difficulty in pronouncing certain letters, particularly…