We’ve seen it in movies, in TV shows. We’ve read about it in books and novels. We’ve even heard of it happening to a friend of a friend or even somebody close to us. Poison and the act of poisoning…
Ask any parent and they will tell you that there’s not much worse than a small child having the flu. A blocked nose invariably makes the child irritable as it affects their sleep and their ability to breathe with ease.…
You have a sore throat and your nose is running like a KL marathon. You drag yourself to your nearby GP and after seeing the doctor, you open the white plastic bag to find that the friendly doctor that attended…
Issues to ponder when using an enteral feeding tube to administer medication. Patients who are unable to swallow due to a debilitating condition are often placed on an enteral feeding tube both for their nutritional needs and for the administration…
To you, the answer is YES. To your ancestors who lived half a million years ago, the answer is NO. Let me explain. Vitamins and minerals are very important in maintaining basic function of various biological reactions in your body.…