Isn’t life ironic? Imagine, something so small, minuscule and irrelevant to our lives can kill us. Weighing less than 0.01% of our average weight, and length less than 0.001% of our average height, they kill us with just one kiss.…
One of the most commonly fought over topics between healthcare workers and their patients is the unwillingness of patients to take their prescribed medicines. The degree of non-adherence varies from patient to patient; ranging from those who completely refuse to…
He’s 26 years old. A Professional. An engineer to be exact. Single. A good guy. The fever was abrupt in onset, accompanied by headache, muscle ache & joint pains. He went to a GP and got treated for flu-like illness,…
Over the years, I’ve had readers (and stalkers) emailing me, wondering about my life and journey as a doctor. They were wondering if it is indeed as glamorous and great as it is made out to be by certain tertiary centers.…
Para pembaca yang dihormati, Artikel ini bertujuan menjelaskan persoalan yang diajukan di akaun Twitter saya dan juga untuk menerangkan perbezaan antara influenza bermusim dan influenza pandemik. Artikel ini ditulis berdasarkan panduan WHO bagi pemahaman komuniti. Sebelum saya mula, izinkan saya…
Dear readers, This document is provided in order to clarify the recent questions in my twitter account and to also explain the differences between seasonal influenza & pandemic influenza. I have adopted concrete WHO guidelines in this write up, simplified…
“First, do no harm” Though these exact words are not in the Hippocratic oath, it is what medical students will hear on their first day of medical school and will probably be reminded for the rest of their lives. Being…
Try to recall your last visit to the neighbourhood cafes or restaurant during dinner time. Vividly, you must have encountered families with young children clutching not on a soft bear or any colourful toys that are familiar to this age…
When I first reported for duty at my first hospital, I was posted to the labour room. Although I have conducted delivery during my medical school years, it pales in comparison to what I had to deal with as a…
Gerakan anti-vaksin kini semakin menular dengan kemunculan artikel di portal berita, laman sesawang dan jaringan media sosial. Sebagai seorang doktor perubatan, perkembangan ini amat membimbangkan saya. Saya berpendapat bahawa isu ini harus ditanggani sebelum lebih ramai ibu bapa membuat keputusan…