Source: www.abc.net.au
There is an alarming rise in the number of Dengue cases and deaths in the country which mandates each and everyone of us as responsible citizens join the fight against Dengue. There is yet to be an effective vaccine against Dengue Fever but it is completely preventable and its cure lies in our very own hands.
Lets take a look on how you could fight Dengue with the simple DENGUE action plan.
D – Dengue prevention starts at home
- Remove all source or areas where mosquitoes breed eg in flower pots, tins, bottles, discarded tyres.
- Cover toilet bowls when unused.
- Turn over empty pails and buckets.
- Frequently check and clean house gutter to prevent rainwater stagnation.
- Wear loose and light colored clothing, preferably long sleeves.
- Preferably sleep under the mosquito net.
- Use mosquito repellants which are available in many forms eg spray, lotion,patches.
- Use larvaecide in all water containers that might contain stagnant water.
E – Equip and update ourselves with adequate knowledge on the Dengue Must know Facts
- There is no medicine to cure Dengue.
- There is no vaccine against it.
- A single mosquito bite (female Aedes aegypti identified by the black and white stripes at legs and body) is enough to put one down with Dengue.
- We can still suffer dengue fever several times as there are 4 serotypes of this virus that can lead to repeated infections.
- Peak biting hour is at dawn and dusk.
- Repellants reduce the chance of being bitten but it does not mosquito-proof a person.
- Dengue fever can lead to uncontrolled hemorrhage (Dengue hemorrhagic fever) and shock leading to death.
- Can cause outbreaks.
- Vector control methods are effective if other preventive measures are undertaken simultaneously.
N- Never ignore signs and symptoms of Dengue
Dengue symptoms are:
- High grade fever, with temperature reading could be as high as 40°C
- Severe headache
- Pain behind and around the eyes
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Muscle & Joint Pain
- Rash
G- Get involved and participate in all public health awareness in your community
- ‘Gotong royong’ activities.
- Participates in COMBI program (Communication for Behavioural Impact) within your communities.
- Put up Banners & other small scale publicity at own localities.
- Cooperate and help the vector team during fogging activities around the neighborhood.
- Report possible breed areas in your neighborhood to the local authorities.
U- Utilise all social media networks available
Use facebook, twitter, website to get updates and information about Dengue and keep sharing and re-tweeting the information.
- MIMPA – www.mimpa.net – Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themimpa – Twitter: @mimpatwt
- The Malaysian Medical Gazette – www.mmgazette.com – Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mmgazette – Twitter: @mmgazette
- Portal MyHEALTH – www.myhealth.gov.my
- Unit Kawalan Vektor JKWP KL dan Putrajaya – https://www.facebook.com/vektorkl –http://idengue.remotesensing,gov.my/
E-End and eradicate Dengue and Save Lives
Keep your family Safe and act now. Always remember that every action against Dengue counts.
Major Dr. Norhasyimah is a medical officer working in Kuala Lumpur and currently studying for her FRACGP.
[This article belongs to The Malaysian Medical Gazette. Any republication (online or offline) without written permission from The Malaysian Medical Gazette is prohibited.]
- www.cdc.gov/dengue/
- Clinical Practice Guideline MOH/P/PAK/209.10(GU) Management of Dengue Infection in Adults (Revised 2nd edition)
- COMBI (Communication for Behavioural Impact) Garis Panduan Komuniti, Strategi Mobilisasi Sosial dan Komunikasi Untuk Pencegahan & Kawalan Dengue, Bahagian Pendidikan Kesihatan, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia 2011