The columnists behind the Malaysian Medical Gazette are the lifeline of this website. Without them, there are no articles, and without articles, there will be no website. They write in hope to educate the public without expecting payment or recognition. They simply just want to help.
The MMG editorial board and parent body, MIMPA, recognises this effort and believe through these articles, that we can make a difference to health awareness in Malaysia. We began in October 2013, with only a handful of columnists. As of today, we have close to 20 columnists from various specialities, a team of translators and we publish 8-10 articles per week, Monday to Friday including articles from Ministry of Health and the Young Columnists Program.
On 8th March 2014, we held an appreciation dinner for the columnists and translators. Unfortunately, not all of us could make it, but for those who did, it was good to finally meet each other in person and put a face to the names. It was not a formal dinner meeting but plenty of ideas bounced around and we certainly had a good time. We even managed to celebrate the birthday of a columnist!
It is our hope that this group of columnists, translators and editors will continue to write and publish reliable, relevant and accurate health related articles for the benefit of the public. Writing, translating and editing is no easy task. The editorial board, as well as the board members of MIMPA are very grateful for the dedication showed and will continue to support our columnists and translators.
Alaaa. Amni tak tengok kamera. hehehehe