When it comes to end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), the viable treatment is a kidney transplant. It offers an effective cure for the condition, thus vastly improving the patient’s chances of survival and their quality of life, as well as helping…
People typically consume alcohol by drinking beer, wine and distilled spirits like vodka, and whiskey. The ethanol content of beer is about 5% while it ranges between 8% – 15% for wine, and 20% – 40% for distilled spirits. The definition of…
Sleep is essential for optimum functioning of many physiological processes inside the human bodies. In reality, we spend approximately one-third of our lifetime asleep.1 However, there are also working adults suffering from inadequate sleep. A local survey reported that more…
For the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, children were predominantly confined to their home and as a result, were less exposed to common bacteria and viruses. This will render younger children’s immune system to develop poorly. From March 2022 onwards,…
PRU 15 can be an uplifting but also heart-breaking experience, especially if you catch the flu. Did you know you could end up with a heart attack or stroke when you get the flu? Most of us associate influenza,…
Apa itu kanser serviks ? Kanser serviks atau turut dikenali sebagai kanser pangkal rahim merupakan salah satu kanser utama yang menyerang wanita di seluruh dunia. Pangkal rahim merupakan bahagian yang menyambungkan faraj dengan rahim dan membentuk saluran kelahiran. Menurut laporan…