Throughout the centuries, the timeline of events in the history of drugs can be traced back as early as in the year 5000 B.C when the Sumerian people in the Middle East first used opium as recreational drug. The development…
How to deal with grief? I suppose the Kübker-Ross model of 5 stages of grief still stand: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. With that in mind, I am going to share with you how I cope with my grief when I…
Our prayers take flight – Dr Hidayatul Radziah Ismawi Where were you that fateful day? When all that was left to do was pray When our hearts sank at news so sad For hope and faith were all…
Orang awam dinasihatkan untuk mengelakkan daripada membeli dan mengguna produk kosmetik berikut: Produk kosmetik di atas telah diuji dan dikesan mengandungi logam berat merkuri yang tidak dibenarkan di dalam produk kosmetik. Oleh itu, produk tersebut tidak lagi dibenarkan untuk dijual…
Preface This article is a basic introduction to drug addiction. Experimenting, abusing and addiction to drugs are not the same and should not be viewed and acted upon in the same manner. The recent tragedy from the FMFA appeared to…
Menurut bahasa Informasi Teknologi (IT), terdapat istilah “Pasang dan Pakai” (Plug and Play). Istilah ini biasanya merujuk kepada alat-alat yang boleh dibeli dan digunakan tanpa konfigurasi yang sukar atau penglibatan langsung pengguna. Tidak hairanlah, bagi orang kebanyakan, mereka akan mencari…