Earlier this week, heavy rain caused massive floods in several states in Malaysia, namely Johor, Terengganu, Kelantan and Pahang, which was one of the most badly affected. The situation has worsened for the past few days, and total number of…
Amir (not his real name) is a 2 year old active, healthy, and cheerful boy. However, his parents are worried as he seems unable to hear very well. Intially, his parents were not suspicious as he was able to turn…
Gerakan anti-vaksin kini semakin menular dengan kemunculan artikel di portal berita, laman sesawang dan jaringan media sosial. Sebagai seorang doktor perubatan, perkembangan ini amat membimbangkan saya. Saya berpendapat bahawa isu ini harus ditanggani sebelum lebih ramai ibu bapa membuat keputusan…
During the last summer break (July-August), on the 1st-8th of August, I had joined the Malaysian Medical Fellowship mission to Tandek, Kota Marudu, Sabah. My team was divided into two. The first team served from 1st to 5th August 2013…
Penyakit lemah jantung (congestive heart failure) bukan penyakit yang spesifik. Ia lebih merupakan kesan atau akibat dari beberapa faktor atau apa-apa penyakit lain yang boleh menyebabkan jantung anda menjadi lemah. Dianggarkan terdapat seramai 3 hingga 20 pesakit lemah jantung bagi…
Can you imagine your finger on the trigger of a gun? Well, that’s the position of the finger when my patient complained that he couldn’t straighten his finger when he wanted to unclench his fist. Have you ever experienced this?…