Why are you giving me gastric medication for a throat problem? That is one of the common question I get when treating this disease. Despite adequate explanation and endoscopic (an instrument for examining and viewing the inside of a bodily…
Have you ever gotten up from bed in the morning only to find that your knees are stiff as a board, especially when it’s a cold morning? Heard clicking noises (also known as crepitus) or felt a grinding sensation coming…
The word ergonomics derived from the Greek words, ergon (work) and nomos (natural laws) which means “fit the job to worker”; that work, equipment and the environment should be suitable for workers. Ergonomics accounts for all physical aspects of a…
What comes to our minds when we are asked the above question? The answer, or should I say answers, will be depending upon our different personal and educational background, age, and current status that we are in. For example, my…
“Doktor, besi ni nanti, bila tulang patah dah baik, nak kena buang ke?”Ini merupakan persoalan yang paling biasa ditanya kepada saya selaku pakar tulang ataupun ortopedik. Jawapan untuk persolan diatas adalah : ‘YA’ dan ‘TIDAK’ Dalam majoriti kes-kes di Malaysia,…
*Artikel ini diterbitkan semula kerana tragedi yang terkini melibatkan kanak-kanak berusia 2 tahun pada 14 Mac 2018* Kadangkala kita mengalami kesukaran mendapatkan parkir kenderaan ketika hendak mengambil dobi atau membayar bil yang pada perkiraan kita ianya mengambil masa yang…