Malaysian Medical Gazette (MMG): Laman Sesawang Komuniti Kita – Dr. Irwilla Hj Ibrahim

Malaysian Medical Gazette (MMG) yang ditubuhkan di bawah naungan Persatuan Intergrasi Profesional Perubatan Malaysia (Malaysian Integrated Medical Professionals Association) (MIMPA), adalah laman web yang dicipta khas oleh pakar-pakar perubatan untuk  perkongsian pendapat mengenai isu-isu semasa kesihatan. Ia juga merupakan platform…

Recognizing occupational disease – Dr Lim Jac Fang

Introduction Occupational exposures contribute to the morbidity and mortality of many diseases. Occupational diseases continue to be under- recognized even though they are responsible for an estimated 860,000 illnesses and 60,300 deaths each year (USA). In Malaysia, even though there…

10 myths about renal failure and dialysis – Dr. Nur Hidayati Mohd Sharif

Myth 1: Once you are diagnosed with kidney failure – you will definitely end up with dialysis in the future There are many reasons why you can be diagnosed with kidney failure. It can be due to diabetes complication, glomerulonephritis…