Penyakit asma dan COVID-19: Adakah saya perlu risau? – Dr Mohd Aizuddin Abd Rahman

Apa itu penyakit asma? Penyakit asma adalah penyakit keradangan paru-paru yang kronik. Ia merangkumi sejarah gejala- gejala pernafasan seperti bunyi berdehit (wheezing), kesukaran bernafas, sesak dada dan batuk. Sekiranya ada gejala-gejala tersebut, doktor akan menjalankan ujian lanjutan yang dipanggil spirometry…

Pandemic Precautions for People with Diabetes & Obesity – Malaysian Endocrine and Metabolic Society

Reduce the risk of dying from COVID-19 by getting vaccinated, continuing to observe infection-prevention measures, and practising good self-care.   A woman had Type 2 diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure) and obesity. Fearing COVID-19, she did not go for her…

HPV infection is not gender-biased: Debunking 3 common HPV myths #HPVvaccine4all – Dr Nuruliza Roslan & Dr Eddy Hasrul Hassan

The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has been introduced since 2006 in the US. Since then, reports from countries such as US, Australia and Sweden, have shown a reduction in their annual cervical cancer incidences. In Malaysia, public health programs help…