Penyakit-penyakit tiroid ketika hamil – Dr Mohammad Hj. Che’ Man & Dr Shahidah Che Alhadi

  Fakta: Kelenjar tiroid membesar 10 hingga 40% ketika kehamilan akibat peningkatan saiz folikel tiroid dan jumlah darah. Wanita hamil memerlukan peningkatan 50% penghasilan hormon tiroid bebas tiroksin(T4) dan hormone tiroid bebas triiodotironin(T3). Pada masa yang sama peningkatan melbihi 50%…

Malaysia should prepare for a double pandemic: COVID-19 and diabetes – Professor Dr Noran Naqiah Hairi, Professor Dr Moy Foong Ming & Dr Wan Kim Sui

The unprecedented Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused considerable loss of lives, health and psychosocial issues, as well as economic ramifications globally. As of 31st of January 2021, there are 102 million confirmed cases with 2.2 million deaths, as…