Source: www.raiuniversity.edu
“The sun is shining, exam is coming,” said our lecturer before finishing his Pathophysiology lecture last Monday. Every flower that blooms signifies a new season. As winter passed, spring will come. For us, the beginning of spring marks the start of our preparation for the final examinations.
Every day is a battle. Being a third year student, laden with five examinations that have to be finished by the end of June, victory seems impossible.
As a student, examination plays an important role as we are tested on everything that we have learned before. The grading or pointer system which is used as an overall evaluation of the knowledge level that we have makes an examination more interesting and challenging. We spend so much time in order to get the perfect grade or mark. It is almost like a race, where everyone wants to be number one.
In our university, almost all of the final examinations are conducted orally. We do have written tests but those are only for credit tests. If you fail to reach the mean passing mark which is 70 for the credit tests, you will not be able to sit for the final examination. For a major subject, on average, one will have to study at least 120 questions. When the day finally comes and you have to pick your cards, you will get only 2 or 3 questions. Sometimes, even lots of studying does not seem to be worth it.
If you are reading this, you are probably thinking that I am just rambling about tough examination periods that are about to come. In fact, I am. Better than keeping it in and I am sure most of the readers can relate to this as they are student themselves or perhaps had went through the same situation back in the days.
Preparing for an examination can be enjoyable and fun but at the same time, it is stressful too. As the stress continues and one feel overwhelmed by it, he or she begin to lose the initial interest or motivation. The feeling of being drained, exhausted, overloaded, tired or even pain are no strangers to stress.
From my personal experiences, I have encountered alienation since I spent so much time focusing on a particular activity by myself. As a result, I became more negative, frustrated and even developed a cynical attitude. Well, that doesn’t sound too good right? But it does happen.
In regard to the ‘side-effects’ of long-hours of studying, we have to be prepared by tucking in several defence mechanisms under our belt. There is a saying that goes, “Home is where the heart is.” For many of us who are away from home, homesickness may affect us from time to time. Imagine you are studying until two or three o’clock in the morning and suddenly you see your family picture. Knowing that they are not in the next room and they are miles away from you, the emotions could be overwhelming. Luckily, this feeling of homesickness will pass away. The more important thing is to find a place where you can rest and relax – place where you can freely be yourself.
Never hesitate in reaching out to your family. There are people who choose to keep all the troubles to themselves because they don’t want to burden their families. They know their parents have high expectations from them. The truth is, parents are there to give you love and support. Your siblings are there to give you joy and happiness.
To the parents out there, understanding and love for your children can provide greater strength and support instead of the unnecessary criticism. There is no greater comfort for a child than knowing he or she has a home that he or she can always return to no matter what.
Do not isolate yourself. You can bet that if you are feeling lonely, the others feel the same way too. So why not take the first step towards a friend? When all are busy and a gathering seems impossible, one has to step up and be the mastermind, making it possible. Catching up with each other, exchanging stories or even going on a trip together. Friends can bring one great joy and fun especially when being away from home.
Apart from studying, a student’s life can be associated with take-away meals, junk foods, Internet, sleeping in on weekends, et cetera. During the examination period, it usually means more pizza, energy drinks, coffees and staying up late. A good health is a blessing and we have to appreciate it while we have it. A simple and healthy meal is just a step away. It can be prepared from simple ingredients such as tomatoes, eggs, mushrooms, chicken breasts, carrots and spinach. This might sound like a cliché suggestion yet it is very important for us to have healthy and nutritious meal
One of the most effective way to eliminate stress is by exercising. When we exercise, our body release chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins act as analgesics, they diminish the perception of pain and creates the feeling of euphoria. Therefore, regular exercise can help in reducing stress and building our stamina. If you are already on it, why not get a pedometer for a boost of motivation? Or you can just install a pedometer application on your mobile phone.
It is amazing that up to this day, examination period is still a hurdle that every student eventually has to go through. It can be a daunting task yet not impossible. What is the purpose of an examination actually? Is passing all that matters? One thing I have learned is to be in the moment and to actually enjoy the process. Try to see the bigger picture and you will find that there are actually other things more important than examinations. This is the real joy of learning and as a student you wouldn’t want to miss it.
Farahliza Grace is a 3rd year medical student studying in the Faculty of Medicine, Palacky University, Czech Republic. Learn more about her and other students at the Young Columnists tab under The Team.