Imagine a child building a towering castle with blocks, giggling as they chase a friend in the park, or engrossed in a world of make-believe with stuffed animals. This isn’t just fun and games; it’s play, the cornerstone of healthy…
Infections during childhood is very common. An average healthy child would get at least 4-8 infections per year. Getting these infections are often a normal part of a child’s life as the child confronts all the different microorganisms while the…
Cuba anda bayangkan keadaan yang menakutkan ini. Anak anda yang baru berumur 6 bulan sudah demam dari malam tadi. Apabilla anda mengukur suhunya, bacaan termometer mencatat 39C. Anda panik. Ubat demam sudah diberikan tetapi demam tidak juga surut. Anak juga…
For the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, children were predominantly confined to their home and as a result, were less exposed to common bacteria and viruses. This will render younger children’s immune system to develop poorly. From March 2022 onwards,…
One of the common parents’ concerns when it comes to their child teeth is noticing white spots scattering on surface of the front teeth, most of the parents come with the idea that these white lesions are because of low…
Kidney disease can happen even in children. Like adults, kidney disease in children often remained undetected until the child shows sign and symptoms of kidney problem. One of the causes of kidney problems in children can be due to underlying…
Do your little ones keep you up at night sometimes because of a toothache but when brought to visit a dentist, they throw tantrums, making it impossible for the dentist to tend to their problems? If your answer is yes,…
There is an epidemic affecting our country. A disease that starts from a young age and it affects the spinal development which has a potential to pose a permanent problem in later stages of adulthood and no I am not…
Ask any parent and they will tell you that there’s not much worse than a small child having the flu. A blocked nose invariably makes the child irritable as it affects their sleep and their ability to breathe with ease.…