It may start as a sore spot on your tongue or your cheek. You brush it off, thinking it is just the usual ulcer you get during that time of the month. Or perhaps you have been having an extra…
Do your little ones keep you up at night sometimes because of a toothache but when brought to visit a dentist, they throw tantrums, making it impossible for the dentist to tend to their problems? If your answer is yes,…
Apakah sendi rahang mulut? Kita mempunyai sepasang sendi rahang yang berhubung terus dengan tengkorak pada bahagian skuamus tulang pelipis (temporal bone). Dengan adanya sendi rahang, kita boleh membuka dan menutup mulut dengan sempurna. Terdapat satu lapisan memisahkan sendi rahang dengan…
A recent tweet to Dr. Husna (our dental columnist) highlighted one of the dangers of smoking which is often forgotten, namely oral health and its effects due to tobacco smoking. The tweet went, “Does smoking affect the gums?”, and the…
I’ve been frequently asked, “What type of filling is the best?” If I had to be honest, I have to admit that I do not know how to answer this question! There is no right or wrong answer as no…
What is a frenum and how can it obstruct normal oral functions? A mother of a teenage boy aged 14 recently brought her son for a dental check up, complaining that her son has difficulty in pronouncing certain letters, particularly…