I am sure everyone has seen the recent campaign to reduce smoking. Gory pictures are printed on cigarette packs to put some sense of regret while they open the plastic and the top. How much has this really worked? I…
Berapa ramaikah di kalangan kita yang pernah mengalami bengkak di bahagian leher? Sekurangnya sekali seumur hidup, kita akan mengalami bonjolan kecil di bahagian leher apabila kita mengalami sakit tekak atau gejala yang seumpamanya. Kanak-kanak kebiasaannya akan lebih kerap mengalami simptom…
Why are you giving me gastric medication for a throat problem? That is one of the common question I get when treating this disease. Despite adequate explanation and endoscopic (an instrument for examining and viewing the inside of a bodily…
This is the conclusion to a three part series: Part 1 | Part 2 I guess this section is not usually described in text books, as this part will be based more on my personal experience dealing with this illness. I’m sure more…
Tinnitus adalah satu keadaan di mana seseorang itu merasai telinga mereka berdesing. Jenis bunyi desingan berbeza bagi setiap individu. Biasanya desingan tersebut bagaikan bunyi loceng atau lebah yang sedang terbang. Tetapi ada yang menyatakan bahawa desingan yang mereka alami menyerupai…
In continuation with previous article, I will further discuss on investigation & management of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) After history & clinical examination, next step is confirmation of diagnosis. Decades ago, ENT specialists depend solely on use of posterior rhinoscopy. This…
Firstly, it is an honour to write in a premier issue of medical writing for the public. In this posting, I hope to share my experience dealing with nasopharyngeal carcinoma or cancer of nasopharynx, seen at my current setting in both Sabah…