ASSUNTA HOSPITAL SERIES A running nose, watery eyes and sneezing are signs that you’re coming down with a cold, which is basically a viral infection of your nose and throat. But if you frequently display these symptoms over a…
ASSUNTA HOSPITAL SERIES The spaces under, above, between and behind your eyes that surround the nasal cavity contain four small, hollow spaces called paranasal sinuses. These sinuses drain into the nasal cavity through small channels, which unfortunately, can become obstructed…
What is the difference between these 2 terms? Plenty of times patients will asked me this, “Doctor, do I have sinus?”. Any medical practitioner will be tempted to say “Yes”, to any living person- whether healthy or not. I will…
Kita kadangkala ada melihat bukaan kecil di hadapan telinga. Ini digelar sinus preauricular (bermaksud: pre-sebelum, auricular-telinga). Sinus ialah sebarang saluran di bawah kulit dengan satu pembukaan di kulit. Harap anda tidak keliru dengan sinus hidung. Biasanya, ia tidak mendatang sebarang…
Apakah beza di antara dua istilah ini? Kerapkali pesakit akan bertanya soalan in kepada saya “Doktor, adakah saya menghidapi ‘sinus’?”. Ada pengamal perubatan yang ingin menjawab “Ya” kepada sesiapa sahaja, sama ada mereka sihat atau tidak. Saya akan mejelaskan sebentar…