Pak Amir : Ya Allah doktor, sakitnya kaki Pakcik ni kalau nak jalan jauh-jauh. Doktor : Sakit kat mana tu Pakcik, peha ke, lutut? Pak Amir : Kat belakang peha ni doktor, pastu menjalar ke belakang betis Pakcik ni… Doktor …
What comes to our minds when we are asked the above question? The answer, or should I say answers, will be depending upon our different personal and educational background, age, and current status that we are in. For example, my…
In the three years of working as a physiotherapist, no cases that I have seen or treated has touched me on a personal level more than patients suffering from scoliosis. What is scoliosis you may ask? Scoliosis is an abnormal…
“Itulah doktor, hari-hari bawa beg berat pergi sekolah. Sekarang tulang belakang pun dah jadi bengkok”. Seorang ibu mengadu kepada saya bahawa tulang belakang anak beliau yang berusia 13 tahun kelihatan senget menyebabkan cara berjalan beliau kelihatan agak aneh. Skoliosis ditakrifkan…