Warfarin and its uses Warfarin is an anticoagulant medication that is used to treat or prevent blood clots. Warfarin works by inhibiting the function of vitamin K in the clotting process. Warfarin is used to treat a variety of illnesses,…
Adakah anda tahu terdapat sejenis keadaan jantung yang memberi risiko berlakunya strok? Pesakit-pesakit yang menghidapi Fibrilasi Atrium mengalami keadaan yang mengakibatkan kadar nadi mereka laju dan tidak normal (lebih lanjut tentang Fibrilasi Atrium: https://www.mmgazette.com/bila-jantung-asyik-berdebar-debar-dr-nur-hidayati/ ) Hampir semua strok pada pesakit…
Did you know that there is a type of heart condition that puts people at risk for a stroke? Patients with Atrial Fibrillation suffer from a condition that results in their heartbeat being fast and abnormal. (more on AF here: https://www.mmgazette.com/is-your-heart-skipping-a-few-beats-dr-nur-hidayati/)…