Dr. Faiz Rashdi bin Muhammad Adib
The University of Melbourne – graduated 2013
Nitajul Ulfah Binti Abdul Hakim (Editor)
Mansoura University, Egypt – 5th year
Ayesyah Abdullah (Editor)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia – 3rd year
Nurul Firdaus Binti Salahul Ahamed (Editor)
Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS) – 3rd year
Medicine has, is and will always be a very important part of my life. I am blessed to have been given the opportunity to study medicine and am looking forward to an interesting future and career.
My interest in writing on the other hand has been a driving force to help me improve and progress in many aspects of my life. That is the reason why, when I first heard about the Young Columnist programme, I was very much excited and eager to be part of it. I’ve always wanted to find a platform that would be instrumental in helping me to improve and develop my writing skills. It’s like getting the best of both worlds. With the YCP, I am looking forward to broadening my horizons and gaining experiences along the way.
Nurul Atiqah Binti Dahalan
Jordan University of Science & Technology, Jordan – 6th year
Dr. Anis Nabillah Mohd Azli
Melaka Manipal Medical College (MMMC) – graduated 2014
I always believe that the young generation has a voice of their own and it is time for us to be heard, more critically. Medicine is not just book smart, it requires a whole lot of other things, which includes observing. As an ambitious writer myself, most of my inspirations are from observing the life around me and indeed I learned a lot from this. I would really like to share these experiences with others so that we can view things in a different perspective. With an awesome team to work with, I believe MMG Young Columnists Program will be a great start to something new!
Afiqah binti Azman
Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University, India – 3rd year
I think Public Health is very interesting when I found MMGazette. So I made up my mind to join the Young Columnist Program and be part of the team. Since this is the first time I join such a program, I’m sure it will be a good experience and it can be of great help to me in my future career as a doctor.

D’Dyanna Lajamin
Kursk State Medical University, Russia – 4th year
Arlina Arshad
University: University of Newcastle, Australia – 1st year
Izzuddin Azaharuddin
Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences – 4th year
Amiera Shakina Binti Mohamad Nadzir
Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS) – 3rd year
Ameerul Aiman Bin Awalludin
Ain Shams University of Cairo, Egypt – 5th year
Maizatul Azamiah binti Muhibin
Mansoura University, Egypt – 4th year
Maryam Zakiah binti Mohamed Yusof
USM KLE International Medical Programme, Belgaum, India – 3rd year
My hopes and aspirations with MMG Young Columnist Programme and all the medical students out there is that we can together hand in hand learn and teach from each other and make sure the masses are well informed. Speak up, reach out.
Farahliza Grace Punil
Faculty of Medicine, Palacky University. Czech Republic – 3rd year
The team of the Malaysian Medical Gazette is leading the changes that are happening and those that will in the health sector of Malaysia. And the Young Columnists Program is one of that changes. Let us encourage not only others, but ourselves too, to look beyond what the eyes can see and to hear stories beyond what the ears can listen. The young pioneers of changes. And won’t you join us in leading these changes too, readers?
Nuha Muneerah Bt. Abd. Hakim
Mansoura-Manchester Medical Program, Mansoura University, Egypt
Assalamualaikum wbt and greetings to all.
I love literature and words since as long as I can remember. Moreover, I usually find solace in writing, and I take it as my form of self-expressing. Hence, it is a little bit dreamlike for me to be a part of the team and to be able to contribute something to the society through my writings.
By joining the Young Columnist Program, I am hoping to learn to work as a team with fellow medical students and doctors; in outspreading the medical knowledge to the public as I believe team work is one of the crucial elements needed when you are working to serve the community.
Aziza Aini binti Abdul Rashid
International Medical University
I’m a third year medical student under a twinning program at International Medical University, Bukit Jalil, Malaysia. I believe in the importance of voicing out my opinions and I stand firm on my principles. I love talking and writing (and food!). I also write at my personal blog (thefinaldefence.wordpress.com) and do guest posts. I’m thrilled that I’m given the chance to work with the remarkable writers of the Young Columnists Program! So, bismillah.. let’s start this amazing journey
Wan Sherhan
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
To be in the faculty of medicine is my ambition since childhood. Now, when I am in it, I would like to share my experience and opinion in my point of view to all. One of the way of sharing is by writing. At the same time this is an opportunity for me to improve my writing skills. With this Young Columnists Program it gives me an opportunity to achieve my wish to write and share to all. To all the younger generations who are interested in this field, remember when there’s will there’s always a way out.