Source: ww.britishcouncil.org.bd
It was during my reanimation cycle (also known as emergency care), this “humongous” question popped up. My doctor asked, which specialization in medicine will you be after your graduation? I never thought of that, yet. All I want is just to graduate from university, go back home and think about it later on. But when I get to this question, it really does bother me a lot.
For some students, they know exactly what type of doctor they want to become even before applying to medical school. Most of my friends told me that they want to be a cardiovascular surgeon, and some even go for the veterinarian. For others, their path becomes clear once they are in medical school or completing their clinical rotations. While some, the decision on which specialty to choose is not an easy one. And this includes me. At times, I wanted to become a pathologist, sometimes I think I want to be a neurosurgeon, and some other time, psychologist/psychiatrist. I love to study about the human minds and behaviors, but I love to explore the humans’ body too. I really cannot make up my mind. I have list out a set of questions in order to clear up my choices. Perhaps it can be a help towards people who have the same problem in choosing their specialty too.
Here goes my first question. Am I a “people person”? I would say, yes. I love being around patients. I love to ask patients how they are doing and explain to them on how to take care of their wellbeing. When it comes to this quality of mine, I will choose psychiatry/family medicine as my specialty. I have the tendency to be an introvert but being around patients, most of the time gives me the motivation to know them more. Some of my friends told me that pathologist suits me because I am the “introvert” type of person, doing my own things in my own room and space. Not so sure how am I supposed to connect pathologist to my personality though. Sometimes, I just thought that I have watched too much criminal series, so that’s why I fell in love with pathology.
Second question: Am I the “procedures” type of person or the “diagnostic” type of person? Doctors in emergency care or surgery involve more in procedures like inserting chest tubes, incisions, operations etc. rather than diagnostics. In other specialties is more to diagnostics for example therapeutic doctors.
Third question: How do I react towards stress? People might say stress comes in all condition, but how do you react towards it is the important part in choosing your specialty. Not saying that some specialties do not have stress, in fact they all do have stresses that need to be deal with. But let’s say emergency care. In my experience doing ER elective posting in Kota Kinabalu, I would say emergency care is not my first choice of specialty. When the stakes is life and death, the pressure is on. I felt the pressure from doctors and nurses around me although my job is just standing and observe on how the medical staffs dealt with this emergency situation. I cannot imagine how I will be during my HO in future. I always have the thought of ophthalmologist and dermatologist is the “chill” type of medical profession. Are they?
Fourth question: Am I aiming for certain population of people? It’s the job of a doctor treating the patients. But some of us prefer some populations. Some prefer to work with elder people, some with children. Others might be interested in working with people with mental health issues. Some even, prefer to work with animals! From this question, I can actually narrow down the specialty I wanted to be in future. Which one are you?
Fifth question: Am I willing to work with unpredictable time or just as a routine? I think about this a lot. I love the thought of spending time with patients and being passionate about my work in future, but at the same time I need to find some time to be with my family since I have been away for such a long time. Some medical specialties tend to be more time consuming than others. Although the specialty I am choosing is not the only factor that determines the number of hours I will be working, it can play a role. Surgeons may be on call and spend very long hours in the operating room. The nature of surgery may lend itself to unpredictable hours. Until now I am still thinking about being a surgeon or a therapeutic doctor. It’s a hard choice for me.
These sets of Qs might not be helping for some students but it did help me. It narrowed down my choices for choosing my specialty in future. Still have different choices but not as vast as last time. If you still doubt on which specialty you choose, why not try and ask the doctors of that certain specialty? They might clear up on how their daily basis will be. Remember, money or title is not a good reason to choose a specialty!
D’Dyanna Lajamin is a 4th year Sabahan medical student currently studying in Kursk State Medical University, Russia. Know more about her under the Young Columnist tab.
Salam Dyanna
It is good to be already thinking of what medicine specialties you like to do at this point of your life. It help to focus and motivate you in the years to come. But I like to add – the best time to think and decide on medical specialty were when you are in housemanship. During your housemanship – you will be working in the various departments and you will discover that some of you may be talented in doing procedures or surgical techniques, some of you would find joy at successfully intubating a patient or the adrenaline rush of doing CPR. Some of you also might discover that the medicine specialty you wish to do are not compatible with your life situation – like if you are already married and wanted more time to focus building a family –> you might not decide to do a time consuming medicine specialty like O&G or surgery.
Always think of what is your life expectations and interest. Consider also – Sometimes your calling lies in a field that not many have exposure to – least popular but would be fulfilling for you.