Pic source: M1 Psychology
Every time I get asked, “Am I barren, doctor?” in my consultation room, I get taken aback. Maybe it’s because the word “barren” sounds harsh to me, like it is the end of the road.
Infertility is estimated to occur in 1 in every 10 married couples. The term “infertility” is used to describe couples who fail to conceive after trying with having intercourse 2-3 times week, for a year.
However, couples who have been diagnosed with certain conditions – like low-quality sperm in men; endometriosis or blocked fallopian tubes in women – should get advice and treatment from a fertility specialist sooner. Women aged 36 and above should also seek a consultation after 6 months of trying, instead of waiting a year before coming for fertility treatment.
The first step by the doctor is to take a complete medical history from both parties. Next, the doctor will perform a full examination of the wife, including a scan to look at the uterus and ovaries. After that, blood tests to check the reproductive hormones will be taken. The tests performed will depend on the wife’s health record and menstruation cycle. Checking the husband’s sperm quality is equally important. This completes the initial stage of investigations so the doctor can explain in detail whatever problems that have been identified.
The following step is for the doctor to discuss which treatment options are best for the couple. This depends on the wife’s age, the husband’s sperm quality, the condition of the fallopian tubes and the egg reserves in the ovaries.

Pic source: fertility.womenandinfants.org
Among available treatments are fertility medications, in either tablet or injection forms, as well as scheduled intercourse. This is based on the response to the medications.
Other methods include intra-uterine insemination (sperm is directly inserted into the uterus) or in-vitro fertilisation (the egg is fertilised outside before being inserted into the uterus). Each method has its own level of efficacy, risks and complications which will be explained further by the fertility specialist.
In general, this is what occurs during the first few consultations with a fertility specialist. It isn’t that scary, is it? In the end, it is the decision to even see a specialist that may be the scariest yet most important decision for a couple who has issues conceiving their first child.
Dr. Sumithra Devi Valiapan, Fertility Specialist and Obstetrician & Gynecologist. This article was translated from https://www.mmgazette.com/lawatan-pertama-ke-klinik-kesuburan-apakah-yang-akan-berlaku-dr-sumithra-devi-valiapan/by Azizul Ismie Mohd Puad.
[This article belongs to The Malaysian Medical Gazette. Any republication (online or offline) without written permission from The Malaysian Medical Gazette is prohibited.]