Source: www.rawstory.com
Medical school can be long and challenging. Sometimes when you hit rock bottom, you start to question yourself, “Why did I decide to take up medicine?”
For some of us, we know that the sky is not always grey and gloomy. We see the beauty in medicine and feel the passion of learning something new every day from our patients, textbooks and lectures. Our minds are filled with questions and we are always eager to look for answers. As Paulo Coelho once said, “An interesting life is full of questions, a boring life is full of answers”.
More importantly is the reason to remain in this career choice. Even if you do not have a solid reason why you took up medicine, you should find a reason (or several reasons) for you to stay and continue this journey.
It is because of this, the members of the Young Columnists Program of The Malaysian Medical Gazette decided to hold a mini campaign on Twitter to find out what are some of the reasons that inspire students and doctors to take up medicine. Perhaps this can help remind or inspire you to continue your journey of becoming a doctor.
Here are some of the notable tweets:
- The more you learn about medicine, the closer you will become with Allah SWT. Human is an ultimate creation for us to ponder upon – @DrMahyuddin
- It reminds you that you are only human, having weakness and strength. Facing death, hope, miracle and appreciate life as gift from God – @AdiZufly
- Medicine taught me to be responsible, accountable, transparent and passionate in whatever I do – @afifbahardin
- I chose to spend the rest of my life to see children in pain and help them smile again, with their parents’ happy faces – @DrLeeNR
- The every day things you see & experience in med school will humble you. You realise you have it better when you are healthy – @_muni
- The feeling that you could help people get through their lives, and they (sometimes) thank you for it, is priceless – @fatinzurki9
- The adrenaline rush and dealing with people’s life – @DrHalina
- I love learning about the greatest creation of Allah & that is why it has never been easy! Survived for 4.5 years, Alhamdulillah! – @amalsobri
- Because you will do the impossible. – @NadiaNasri
- There are daily rewards if you look for them, even as housemen going through “hell”. many happy experiences have stuck with me till now – @lishun
- Because the hospital is an amazing place. There is pain but there is relieve too – @ainiwrites
- No more ‘kira-kira’ or any related subjects. Hehee – @nazMates
- Dad asked me to be the first doctor in the family – @irsalinaa
- I found happiness in a hopeless place and that is when my self satisfaction kicks in – @jamariahjj
- Because Sabah is still lacking of doctors,especially in the rural areas. – @NurhidayahHafiz
And the list goes on! By being a doctor who is passionate in your work, it opens your eyes to daily miracles. Whenever you are feeling blue and frustrated, remember these words by Nick Vujicic, “When you do not get a miracle, you can still be a miracle for someone else”.
There are many other tweets, so do follow our twitter account @MMG_Youth to be inspired and motivated. Feel free to tweet your opinion and ideas about medicine and insert the hashtag #whymedic. Who knows, your tweet might just motivate another person!
Ayesyah Abdullah is third year medical student in University Kebangsaan Malaysia. Learn more about the Young Columnists and what inspires them to be part of this program under The Team page.